

Book of The Week

In 1976 Sir Robert Menzies bequeathed his library and archive of approximately 4000 items to the University of Melbourne. The collection is a unique historical and cultural artefact, showcasing the breadth of Menzies’s intellectual influences and acting as a sociological time capsule of 20th century Australia. To draw attention to the collection’s worth, each week we showcase one book and briefly examine what it tells us about Menzies and the society in which he lived.
13 Sep, 2024

Week 148: The Grand Alliance

5 Sep, 2024

Week 147: The Humanities in Australia

30 Aug, 2024

Week 146: Dunkerley's

30 Aug, 2024

Week 145: The New Zealand Dental Services

12 Aug, 2024

Week 144: Victorian Justices’ Manual

12 Aug, 2024

Week 143: Exhibition of Japanese Old Art Treasures in Tokyo Olympics

12 Aug, 2024

Week 141: The Red and White Book of Menzies

12 Aug, 2024

Week 142: The Sydney Gazette

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