John Stuart Mill, On Liberty (1932)

There could be no better place to house this prestigious Institute than the Old Quad, the historic heart of the University of Melbourne’s main campus, where Sir Robert honed his philosophy of public life as a student more than a century ago. Forty-nine years after his graduation ceremony, his public life ended at the University where he served as Chancellor from 1967 to 1972. The University is home to Sir Robert Menzies’ personal book collection, notebooks, and memorabilia.
John Stuart Mill, On Liberty (1932)
Ceremonial Scottish Dirk
Microphone owned by Sir Robert
The Rt. Hon. R. G. Menzies, The Forgotten People (1943)
Blue folder used for Cabinet Discussions
Child Endowment Handbill, 1949 election
Bible used to swear in Menzies as Prime Minister
Sterling Silver Cigar Case
Cinque Ports Ship (1966)
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