
Entry type: Book Call Number: 3373 Barcode: 31290036140747
  • Publication Date


  • Place of Publication


  • Book-plate


  • Summary

    Presented: December 1912.

  • Edition

    Reprint (Library of English Classics edition)

  • Number of Pages


  • Publication Info


Copy specific notes

Book-plate in all volumes.

All volumes include presentation slip from Wesley College, December 1912, awarding to R.G. Menzies for ‘(1) Original Poem (2) Essay, Open to the Whole School’; gift of Mr C.L. Andrews and Mr H. Stewart.

Also embossed on front cover with ‘Wesley College Melbourne’ and motto ‘Sapere aude’.

Volume 2 includes two newspaper cuttings (in French) enclosed between pages 448 and 449. One is a report on the 1936 Davis Cup noting Australia’s win in the doubles match. The other is called ‘Le medecin et ses malades’ and tells the story of a young doctor whose business increased when he began advertising that he specialised in rare diseases (‘maladies rares’) rather than commonplace ear, nose and throat complaints.

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