
The Robert Menzies Institute at the University of Melbourne is a prime ministerial library and museum established to honour Australia’s longest-serving Prime Minister, Sir Robert Menzies.

Our mission is to advance the understanding of Australian history by promoting Robert Menzies’s enduring contribution and vision for Australia as a country of freedom, opportunity, enterprise, and individual dignity by encouraging debate, learning and inquiry. 

We seek to build a contemporary understanding of the Menzies legacy through our museum and library, as well as fostering research, hosting public events and educational programs.

The Institute’s activities include:

  • a permanent exhibition in the East Wing of the Old Quad of Sir Robert’s papers, books, and other significant items.

  • a series of annual conferences on Menzies and his legacy.

  • a Digital Hub for researchers, including On This Day and Book of the Week series.

  • schools visits and learning resources for educators.

  • visiting fellows researching Menzies and his era.

  • public lectures, discussions, and podcasts.

  • engagement with the Menzies Collection housed in the University’s Baillieu Library.